It's been a month of my joining the English department of Ball State University. This month, I learned a lot of new things which changed my perspective, my way of looking to the world. To be more specific, I would mention my experience of being an observer in a first-year composition class as a teaching assistant. In all these years of my life what I used to believe about teaching and the teacher's role has been transfused sharply.
I've been observing a class named "Composing Research".It's a course for undergrad students. I'm working as a teaching assistant with Professor Mary Clark-Flynn. It's been nearly a month, I have been observing. From the class, I got a lot of things to learn. Those were beyond my thinking. Because the education system, I belong to is totally different from here. I found a classroom that is more like learner-centered whereas mine was sort of opposed to it. It was more likely to Teacher-centered learning. We hardly get the opportunity to talk in the classroom,95% of the class was led by the teacher and just a few of us could rarely participate in class at last. The scenario is totally different here. It is more likely to be learner-oriented. Students are encouraged to participate, talk, ask even sometimes lead a session.
Things that amused me in my observation class
From my observation class, I acquired a lot of things.Those will help me in my career as a mentor, I believe.
Role-Modelling as a teacher
A Teacher is not a person who only teaches.S/he has a lot to do. They have to play several roles as a teacher.teachers are called the architecture of a nation. So their responsibilities are beyond description. Students come to teachers to be prepared as a proper human being. It's not about academic education only, it covers much more than that. In my class, I saw my mentor playing several roles. She is, first of all, a true facilitator. She is the support system for students. She has some great techniques to handle the students in a very positive way. My mentor also plays the role of a guide. She guides the student to true learning. Students would learn of their own, but from behind, She shows the right track. Every time, when a student stumbles in his way, she is just beside them to help.
Again, I can call her a true trainer. She trains her students up to the mark. She makes the teaching journey smoother for the students.
She gives handouts to the students so that they can take help from that.

I found her as a very friendly person in class. She listens to her students always. She is a coach like in sports. She designed her course, lesson plans in a very polished way so that student doesn't feel bored in class and do their homework attentively. She is kind of a storehouse of knowledge. She is always there to help the students with resources. In the classroom, she lets her students talk much, in opposite she talks less. She used to make them engaged in class through class discussion. She makes a topic for the students connecting with their interests. She never let the class feel boring for a second. I find her as a very approachable, caring and responsible person in class.
Designer of the content
I saw my mentor dealing with her content design. She gave me super suggestions on it. Content designing is a very important part before starting a class. she arranged the lesson plans, classroom schedule in a very planned way so that she doesn't have to worry about syllabus covering. Even the daily class has been scheduled in a very perfect way. So that the students don't have to sit idle for a moment in class. She makes them busy and connected with their homework and other activities. She garnished the contents and assignments in a way that would make the students work on their research on regular basis. So they would get more time to work on it. They don't have to make a whole project altogether. Rather they would work on a small portion and make a draft and review it from her what would make them edit and revise their writing again and again.
She made a very enjoyable content. She is taking a composition course. There she covers some works from Pulitzer prizes. She would teach on the Pulitzer prize-winning books. She would cover the film part.In class, She showed the students a movie, which made them more interested in class. After the movie, when she was discussing the rhetorical appeals of film, I saw them much more intent to studies. They were participating enormously which cheered me too.
A Perfect Balancer
In the book 'Learner-Centered teachings: five key changes to learn', I read a chapter named 'The Balance of Power".There I found a very interesting thing. It was about to maintain power in the class. As a teacher, you have some power, but those are not to violate any rule or to access on any student intentionally without any reason . That amused me. I also got that flavor in my class. My mentor is a very experienced teacher. She knows how to handle the students. I observed her handling the students in a very different way. She always praises for their good work and good thought. She sometimes let the students lead the session, which is so helpful. In the class, she allows everyone having a drink or snacks so that they feel energized(as it's a very morning class). On the other hand, she accesses her power by making everyone's phone in 'Do not disturb'mode during class. She knows very well which power to access where. So her power to this issue is really important. It makes the students more attentive to the class. For those 50 minutes, they are only engaged and attentive to their class which is very commendable. She never over access her power in class. In her class, students have the freedom to talk, to share their opinions.I never felt that she is biased or something.She is holding the same place for all.
Evaluation System
I just got a month to observe her class.So, I don't have enough information about her evaluating process. But as far as I get to see her syllabus, goals and grading system, I found those well planned and student-friendly. She made it like no one can grab a good score without studying properly. Because her assignments are unique, relevant to the current issues . So they have to put effort to get results.And their writing project is going to be done through several steps. Thus students would get enough time and feedback to submit a well-polished paper.
Class outside Class
I saw my mentor assign the students ' self-guided tour to the library'.For that, they would be graded too. That was awesome. She also took them to the library to get help from there. It was about how to use the resources for their academic research. I was also benefitted from there. As I got to know about the processes to find resources quickly. I felt it a very good decision. Because there are always some students who need push from back. So for them, especially it is much more beneficial. Probably they never would get to know about this by themselves.
She allows her students to meet her in person out of the class with their problems and difficulties in classes, which is so helpful.
Time Consciousness
I found her a very responsible teacher. She is never late in her class. She never runs out of time in class and never I saw her completing class before time. I'm so overwhelmed about her time management. I don't know how she manages so nicely. I think I have to put great effort to get such a perfect schedule.
I'm so happy that I get a mentor like her to observe. I am learning every day. These learnings are going to help me to a great deal.I'm learning how to handle the class,what I have to do as a teacher,how should I build relationship with them and to what extent I can take that relationship,how to draw a shadow line between the student and teacher to maintain a very healthy relationship,how to evaluate student,how to make the students get engaged in class and all the stuff that I need to accomplish to be a good mentor.
It's preety good that I'm observing her,incorporating those learnings in my academic class and would approach them in my teaching class .

You have wings.Learn to use them and fly.
Thanks Jennifer.
What I said, is true. The teachers are role models of every individual regardless of professions.
You all are doing great job as teachers.💕
I like how you touch on the many different roles of the teacher in this post. They are the "architecture of a nation." Wow! That's a lot of weight on the shoulders of the teacher.
Hi Zach,
Thanks for your comment.
It's really hard to plan class exactly to the mark.I agree with you .It's better to plan more than the expected class time rather than being blank in class. Actually it's easy to plan, but hard to incorporate in class.
Thanks for mentioning the library resources.I already took two sessions .And yes,they are magical persons.They helped me a lot.
Do you have any specific suggestions for me,how can I plan my own class?I mean I want to hear from you about your classroom management policies.
Hi Mow,
I'll jump off of something Natalie touched on: timing. I've been teaching for years, and there are still days where I over or underestimate how long something will take. I often still find it the hardest aspect of teaching to gauge. This topic is something that would be beneficial to chat with your mentor about, as the ability to accurately decide how long a lesson should & how long a lesson will take are two very difficult and very different decisions to make. I've always been a firm believer in the idea that it's always better to over-plan by a little than to under-plan by a lot. You can always jump back to something the following class perio…
Hi Natalie,
First of all,sorry for the disruptions,that was totally undevised.
Anyway,I really loved your comment.Your compliments and specific feedback are highly appreciable.
You are right,we are learning all these elements of teaching to implement in our own class.Hope we would get all right directions from our observation and would be able to accomplish them in class.
I would like to invite you to observe a class of my mentor.Then the things would be more clear to you and I believe you would learn a lot.