Indigenous Language Scholar Award, American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2025 Conference
Conference Travel Award (2025), The Office of the CHSS Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, George Mason University
Summer Research Fellowship, Center for Adaptive Systems of Brain-Body Interactions (CASBBI) National Research Traineeship Program for Summer 2024, George Mason University
2021-2022 Ball State University Excellence in Teaching Award for the Master’s Level
Graduate Scholarship Spring for Conference Travel ($1000), George Mason University
Graduate Student Travel Fund (2023), George Mason University
Diversity Travel Fellowship (2021), BUCLD 46 (The 46th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development)
Most Engaging Teaching Materials, Writing program, Ball State University
National Scholars Award by Eastern Michigan University (Denied)
Merit Scholarship for Outstanding Result in MA Exam, University of Dhaka
Merit Scholarship for Outstanding Result in BA Exam, University of Dhaka